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Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly


Eleventh Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Statement of Italy, delivered by Ambassador Maurizio Massari, Permanent Representative to the United Nations


Mister President,

Italy aligns itself to the statement delivered yesterday by the European Union and wishes to add some remarks in its national capacity.

We reject and unequivocally condemn the illegal attempted annexation by Russia of the Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia. Such unilateral annexation is void and cannot determine any legal effect whatsoever.

Italy deplores in the strongest terms the sham referendum in Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia during its war of aggression against Ukraine. Such actions constitute a flagrant breach of the UN Charter and blatantly violate international law and the principles of the Helsinki Final Act.

Mister President,

Far from being an exercise of self-determination, the sham referenda took place amidst widespread and systematic abuses of human rights and intimidation. It is crystal clear that they only represent an attempt to unilaterally annex territories of a sovereign State through the use of coercion and military force.

Italy does not and will never recognize the illegal attempted annexation, just as it has not recognized the illegal attempted annexation of Crimea, and calls on all States to do the same. We see this not as a discretionary choice for States but rather as our common duty under international law.

Mister President,

Italy strongly condemns the recent, brutal and indiscriminate Russian attacks against many cities across Ukraine, deliberately targeting civilians and calls on Russia to put an end to its military aggression, withdraw from all Ukrainian territories and genuinely commit to diplomatic dialogue.

Italy expresses its strong support for urgent and concrete de-escalation and a peaceful resolution with respect for Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, along the lines of the resolution’s OP7. Russia needs to stop this senseless war, which is causing huge human losses and it’s having serious economic repercussion around the world and hitting the most vulnerable countries and categories of people.

Italy continues to firmly stand on the side of Ukraine people and in defense of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

We must all stand together to resist Russia’s actions against a sovereign UN member State and uphold the principles of the UN Charter. Therefore, we call on all UN member States to support the draft Resolution and vote Yes.

I thank you, Mister President.