Agenda item n. 108 – 3rd Committee
Introduction of draft resolution A/C.3/77/L/12/Rev.1 “Strengthening the UN programme on crime prevention and criminal justice, in particular, its technical cooperation capacity”
Statement of Italy delivered by Amb. Gianluca Greco
Thank you, Mr President.
Mr President,
Italy has always attached the greatest importance to international cooperation in the fight against transnational organized crime and, this year is no different, in its promotion of the omnibus crime resolution to reaffirm the centrality of the UN programme on crime prevention and criminal justice, including its technical cooperation capacity.
The resolution tabled in document A/C.3/77/L/12/Rev.1 is the result of nine rounds of informal consultations and intense bilateral discussions, which have seen the active participation of many delegations. We would like to take this opportunity to renew our thanks to delegations for the spirit of engagement and constructive dialogue they have shown during these negotiations. We would also like to thank the Secretariat for its invaluable assistance in the preparation of the resolution, in particular, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, as well as the Third Committee Secretariat for its vital support in organizing informal negotiations.
The resolution builds on last year’s text, taking stock of new developments in the field of multilateral cooperation in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice, including those related to the substantial results achieved by the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna. We also welcome the fact that the text of the resolution takes onboard new language strengthening the role of crime prevention policies related to youth and emphasizing the importance of follow-up mechanisms to the Kyoto Declaration, as well as Member States’ and relevant stakeholders’ participation therein.
We are particularly pleased that the resolution invites the President of the General Assembly to organize, during the current session, a High-level debate on access to justice. This is a particularly important topic in a year marking the tenth anniversary of the adoption by the GA of the UN Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems, as recalled in the preamble of this year’s resolution.
We are also satisfied that the text under consideration strengthens the role of UNODC in implementing its mandate under the resolution on important issues such as access to legal aid, anti-corruption measures, crime prevention policies with regard to youth and counter-terrorism.
Mr President,
We trust that, this year too, the resolution will be adopted by consensus with the resolution having been submitted to silence procedure without any interruption. I wish to thank all the delegations that have already co-sponsored the resolution, and I hope more delegations will be added to the list in today’s meeting. We interpret the high number of delegations from all regional groups that have already co-sponsored as a sign of the UN membership’s determination to continue to support this resolution as an important blueprint for multilateral cooperation in the fight against transnational organized crime in all its forms.
Thank you, Mr President.