Excellencies, colleagues,
I thank you all for this very interesting discussion.
Let me, in particular, thank Undersecretary Barbaro, ASG Ojiambo, Special Envoy Reubi, Ambassador Joyini, Chairman Frey and his dedicated team, all the speakers in person and online, for your participation and engagement.
We all agree that in order to further the Agenda2030 and the Paris Agreement, we need to scale up the synergies between public and private sector, in a truly multistakeholder and “whole-of-society” approach. The private sector is, in particular, the actor best equipped to come up with innovative and sustainable solutions to tackle the financial, social, environmental challenges we face today. If we want to meet the 2030 Agenda goals, innovation is key. Adopting new mindsets, develop new business models, develop disruptive technologies will position companies to overcome market disruptions and pursue growth opportunities, while at the same time helping to reverse global warming and improve lives.
The positions paper launched today goes precisely in that direction.
The discussion we just had shows the firm commitment of the participating private sector in playing its part, from east to wes,t from north to south.
This does not come as a surprise.
Speaking from my national perspective, I am particularly proud that the Italian network of UNGC is one of the most active national networks, counting more than 500 members, both big companies and small and medium size ones.
From the Government perspective, let me state that the strategies of our development cooperation are perfectly in line with the activities of the UNGC, especially its recent focus on Africa.
We attach great importance also to the dimension of good governance. Last May we organized here in NY, together with DESA and IDLO, the SDG 16 High Level Conference.
The conference showed SDG 16 is a critical enabler of all the Sustainable Development Goals and is at the heart of what makes the 2030 Agenda transformative. It enables synergies across the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and provides a practical roadmap for tackling multiple global intersecting crises, including conflicts and climate change, and reinforcing confidence in public institutions.
As our discussion just highlighted, the inclusion of private sector in our efforts is crucial to increase trust in the system, pool resources and promote innovation.
Let us thus continue to work, public and private sector together, in the coming weeks and months, by aligning our actions in a coherent manner, at the Summit of the Future, at COP29 and in view also of the next Financing for Development Fourth Conference in 2025.
Thank you for your attention.