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Discorso pronunciato dall’Ambasciatore Sebastiano Cardi, Rappresentante Permanente dell’Italia presso le Nazioni Unite, al dibattito aperto in Consiglio di Sicurezza sulla non-proliferazione armi distruzione di massa da attori non statuali

Mr. President,

Italy aligns it itself with the statement (to be) made by the EU. In addition, we fully support the statement made by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in the light of our cooperation related to the upcoming split mandate in the Security Council. We welcome the adoption of the Report of the comprehensive review of the Resolution 1540 and the Resolution n…, which we have co-sponsored.

As the only universally binding instruments covering all types of WMD, we consider Resolution 1540 and the Resolution adopted today pillars of the global non-proliferation architecture, and essential tools to counter the growing threat of terrorism.

We welcome the increase of national reports and Voluntary National Implementation Action Plans, as well as the insertion of 1540 elements in the daily work of international and regional organizations. Accurate and timely reporting is crucial, but not an aim itself. It is rather an instrument to achieve concrete long-term results and, as such, we recognize that capacity building to improve reporting is essential.

We are concerned by the proliferation risks posed by non-state actors, which are increasingly using new technologies, scientific development and international trade networks.

In this regard, the outcome of the recent BTWC Review Conference is disappointing. As the UN Secretary General recommended in addressing the Security Council last August, the International Community must invest more in tackling the risk of proliferation of biological weapons, as it does for nuclear and chemical threats. With regard to non-state actors, however, 1540 architecture could be an important tool to remedy such a shortfall.

Similarly, more attention should be paid to the protection from risk of cyber-attacks of critical infrastructure relevant to the non-proliferation of WMD. Here also, Resolution 1540 can provide a useful framework.

As responsible non-proliferation actor, Italy ratified the 2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and the Convention on the Suppression of Acts on Nuclear Terrorism. We recently hosted in Rome a meeting of the Nuclear Forensic Working Group of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism.

We support synergies between relevant international, regional and sub-regional bodies. As next Chair of the Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, we are committed to improving synergies among the 1540 mechanisms and the GP WG.

Border controls and export control are important tools to fight proliferation, smuggling and trafficking of WMD. In November, in Rome, we organized a table top exercise on this issue in the framework the Mediterranean Initiative of the Proliferation Security Initiative”.

Education, training and institutional capacity deserve special attention as for an effective implementation of Resolution 1540. In the framework of the Nuclear Security Summits process, Italy co-promoted the Gift Basket on “Nuclear Security Training and Support Centres/Centres of Excellence”. Every year we organize the International School on Nuclear Security at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Inspectors from OPCW are often trained at Italian CBRN Defence Centres, and Italian chemical industries proficiently participate in the OPCW Associate Programme, providing experts from other countries with training in various industrial operations, thus facilitating industry-related implementation of the CWC.

We thank Spain for the leadership provided in effectively steering the 1540 review process and stand ready to offer our full support to the incoming chair, Bolivia, for a swift and effective implementation of the provisions generated through the review process.

Thank you, Mr. President.