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Consiglio di Sicurezza – Riunione in formato Arria

Discorso introduttivo dell’Ambasciatore Inigo Lambertini, Vice Rappresentante Permanente dell’Italia presso le Nazioni Unite, al meeting del Consiglio di Sicurezza in format Arria su “International Cooperation in Criminal Matters within the Peace and Security Pillar: the Role of Central Authorities” —

I would like to begin by thanking the UNODC for having actively contributed to organizing today’s debate and give special thanks to the rapporteurs coming from Africa and Europe, who accepted to join efforts with the CTED, the Permanent Representatives and experts who will be taking the floor.

The theme we will be discussing regards the establishment, where lacking, and the strengthening of “Central Authorities”, pursuant to paragraph 13 of resolution 2322. This is one of the points of the resolution that offers greater operating potential, requiring all of the Member States to give a timely, concrete response.

The provisions of letter e) and f) of paragraph 13 are the end result of extensive work on international cooperation launched by the Security Council with resolution 1373 (2001), followed by AG resolution 55/25 a few months later, on the basis of which the General Assembly adopted the Palermo Convention that came into effect in 2003.

I think it is clear to all how the United Nations, throughout these 16 years, has gained growing awareness of the seriousness of transnational organized crime, whether traditional or tied to terrorist purposes. These crimes cause great harm to society, and in their most dangerous forms, impede sustainable development and threaten peace and security.

Transnational organized crime requires a response based on the use of adequate tools, not only achieved through strengthening national judicial systems, but also through the creation of a network allowing for effective and timely cooperation among States.

Much has been done to this end, and today’s discussion honors what has been achieved thus far. The rapporteurs will illustrate three different national experiences, and then elaborate on the collaborative initiatives and projects in the field realized by two United Nations organisms in support of the efforts made by Member States.

The results shown by the rapporteurs will no doubt be able to provide inspiration and useful operational suggestions to continue along this path.

The time we have at our disposal is limited and the themes to discuss are complex, so I will conclude here.

I give the floor to Ms. Karen Kramer, Senior Officer of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), who will introduce the topic of capacity and support projects for States establishing or strengthening Central Authorities. We will then hear about experiences in Spain, Uganda and Italy from three judges within their respective national Public Prosecutor’s Offices. Lastly, Mr. Scharia, Chief of Branch of the Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), will illustrate the initiatives undertaken under his mandate.

At the end of the five presentations, which we kindly ask each to keep within 8 minutes, we shall open the floor to questions and comments.