Discorso pronunciato dall’Ambasciatore Inigo Lambertini, Vice Rappresentante Permanente dell’Italia presso le Nazioni Unite, al Dibattito Aperto in Consiglio di Sicurezza sulla Non-Proliferazione delle Armi di Distruzione di Massa —
Thank you Mr. President.
at the outset I would like to commend Ambassador Sacha Llorentty Solíz for convening this timely briefing both in his capacity as President of the Security Council for the month of June and as Chair of the 1540 Committee. Italy align itself with the statement to be delivered by the European Union. I also wish to take the opportunity to pay tribute to Ambassador Oyarzun Marchesi of Spain for the statement he will deliver on behalf of States which are parties to the Group of Friends of resolution 1540 and to commend the initiative undertaken by the Spanish delegation as well as its leadership of the Group.
UNSCRs 1540 (2004) and 2325 (2016) constitute central pillars of the international non-proliferation architecture as well as key instruments to avoid that the most dangerous materials in the world fall into the wrong hands. The report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism has proven and confirmed the use of chemical weapons by both State and non-State actors.
Mr. President,
the rapid advances in science and technology as well as the globalization of commercial, logistical and economic transactions make it harder for States to control proliferation activities, and enable terrorists to take advantage of transnational criminal networks to gain access to WMD. In this regard, more attention should be also paid in relation to the so called “intangible transfers of technology” (ITT), reflected both in resolution 2325 (2016) and in the program of work of the 1540 Committee. Strengthening cooperation and the exchange of experience in the areas of border control, surveillance of financial flows and Internet networks, as well as legal assistance, are today growingly important. Similarly, an enhanced protection of critical infrastructure relevant to the non-proliferation of WMDs from the increasing risk of cyberattacks is more important than ever.
It remains imperative for Member States to effectively implement the provisions of these resolutions; to establish domestic controls; to have effective points of contacts; and to maintain an active dialogue with the Committee. We take the opportunity to emphasize the need to achieve the universal implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and the importance for States to submit their first national implementation reports. Despite undeniable progress, the non-proliferation regime continues to be confronted with serious threats and recent, alarming developments have clearly demonstrated that no State is immune to this danger.
Mr. President,
as underscored in last year’s comprehensive review, the delivery of technical assistance still represents the key element to facilitate and improve Member States’ compliance with their obligations. We welcome, in this regard, all the outreach activities conducted by the 1540 Committee and its strong engagement in providing capacity-building assistance to those stakeholders that need it the most, despite the resources constraints which we are all aware of. As Chair of the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, we invited the 1540 Committee to present its activities, in particular with regard to Africa, in order to highlight current needs and increase opportunities for donors to cooperate with potential recipients, as well as with the Committee itself. We are willing to continue this co-operation with the 1540 Committee.
Mr. President,
last year represented a significant step forward for efforts to prevent non-State actors from acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction. It is important that we now build upon that momentum.
We thank Bolivia for its leadership and commitment at the helm of the Committee and pledge our full support.