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Consiglio di Sicurezza – Report del Facilitatore per l’ implementazione della Risoluzione 2231 sulla Non – Proliferazione/Iran

Report semestrale del facilitatore per l’ implementazione della Risoluzione 2231 (Non-Proliferazione/Iran)pronunciato, il 29 Giugno 2017, dal Rappresentante Permanente dell’ Italia presso le Nazioni Unite, Ambasciatore Sebastiano Cardi, in Consiglio di Sicurezza—


Mr. President,
Thank you for calling this meeting, and my thanks also to Mr. Feltman for his presentation of the Secretary-General’s report and to Amb. de Almeida on behalf of Federica Mogherini.
Today I will touch on three aspects of my report for the 16 January 2017 through 15 June 2017 period: 1. the activities of the Council in the “2231 format”; 2. monitoring of the implementation of resolution 2231; and 3. developments in the procurement channel and other requests of approval.

The full version of the report has been circulated to Council members and has been issued under the symbol S/2017/537.

1. The “2231 format.”

Following the Security Council’s informal consultations on the 29 January 2017 ballistic missile launch by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Council held a meeting on 2 March in the 2231 format to further consider this launch. I will summarize our discussion in the second part of my presentation.

On 17 March, the Security Council held a meeting in the 2231 format to hear a briefing from the Coordinator of the Procurement Working Group of the Joint Commission established in the JCPoA. In his briefing, the Coordinator gave an overview of the procurement channel and of the Procurement Working Group’s function, activities, processing of proposals and various benchmarks.

During the same meeting, the Council also agreed to shift the reporting schedule on resolution 2231 implementation from July-January to June-December, thereby allowing the Facilitators to brief the Council after six months into and at the end of their term.

2. Monitoring of the implementation of resolution 2231.

In line with paragraph 4 of the resolution, in February and June 2017, the IAEA Director General submitted two quarterly reports on verification and monitoring activities.

The February report recalled that on 15 January 2017, the Agency verified that Iran had taken the actions specified in Annex V of the JCPoA, namely the removal of all excess centrifuges and infrastructure from the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant and their transfer to storage at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant under continuous Agency monitoring. In addition, the Agency indicated that on 21 January 2017, the Islamic Republic of Iran, under Agency verification and monitoring, began feeding natural UF6 into a single IR-8 centrifuge for the first time.

In both quarterly reports, the Agency affirmed that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not pursued construction of the existing Arak heavy water research reactor based on its original design; has no more than 130 metric tonnes of heavy water; has no more than 5,060 centrifuges that have remained installed in 30 cascades at Natanz; has not enriched uranium above 3.67 per cent U-235; has not conducted any uranium enrichment or related research and development activities at Fordow, and that there has not been any nuclear material at the plant.

Mr. President,
On 2 March 2017, at the 2231 format meeting, the experts of one Member State observed that the medium-range ballistic missile (a Khorramshahr) tested by the Islamic Republic of Iran on 29 January 2017 was designed to carry a payload greater than 500 kg to a range over 1,000 km. The experts noted that “500 kg has been the approximate mass required to carry a first generation nuclear weapon and 300 km is an internationally-accepted range of strategic significance.” They concluded that this test constituted an activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

Following the briefing, the issue of the particular sensitivity of the launch, with regard to its regional implications and its relation to resolution 2231(2015) raised by some representatives, was discussed. A representative emphasized that resolution 2231 does not provide a definition as to which types of missiles are constructed in such a manner as to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons. Other delegations said that resolution 2231 concerns intrinsic capability rather than intent. Since the launch involved a system that was, by design, capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, its use was therefore inconsistent with resolution 2231.

In light of the views expressed by delegations, I noted that there was no consensus on how this particular launch relates to resolution 2231. I stressed that it was essential for the Security Council to act in a unified manner in this area, so as to help foster the effective implementation of resolution 2231. I also proposed that, in the framework of my regular contacts with interested parties, including the Permanent Representative of Iran, I would underline the importance for all parties of continuing to maintain an attitude conducive to building trust, and to implement the terms of the JCPoA and resolution 2231.

3. Developments in the procurement channel and other requests of approval.

Since Implementation Day, a total of 16 proposals to participate in or permit the activities set forth in paragraph 2 of annex B to resolution 2231 have been submitted to the Security Council by four Member States from three different regional groups, including States that are not participants in the JCPoA. This reflects the growing confidence of Member States in the procurement channel. I am also pleased to note that, on average, the proposals were processed through the procurement channel in less than 46 calendar days.

A proposal to participate in and permit the activities set forth in paragraph 5 of annex B to resolution 2231 was submitted on 23 November 2016 by a Member State that, on 24 February 2017, provided additional information. On 28 February 2017, I informed said Member State that the Security Council had reached no agreement and returned its request.

Mr. President,

Eighteen months after Implementation Day, transparency, practical guidance and outreach remain a priority. In this regard, I plan on engaging in new outreach activities on the implementation of resolution 2231 during the second part of my tenure. In the short term, on 14 July 2017 I intend to convene an open briefing for UN Member States to raise awareness and understanding of the resolution and its implementation.

Thank you, Mr. President.