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Consiglio di Sicurezza – Votazione sulla situazione in Medio Oriente

Spiegazione di voto pronunciata dall’Ambasciatore Sebastiano Cardi, Rappresentante Permanente dell’Italia presso le Nazioni Unite, al Meeting in Consiglio di Sicurezza sulla situazione in Medio Oriente, inclusa la Questione Palestinese —

Italy supported this resolution as it reaffirms well established principles and messages already enshrined in several previous Security Council resolutions on the issue of Jerusalem

Its text is consistent with Italy’s position on this matter. As mentioned at the emergency meeting of this Council on December 8, we believe that the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states needs to be negotiated between Israel and Palestine, within the framework of a peace process that will eventually lead to the establishment of two States, living side by side in peace and security, taking into account the legitimate concerns and aspirations of both parties

We also supported the resolution as it opens a political horizon rooted in the two-State solution and in the intensification of international and regional efforts towards a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East

In this regard, we continue to see a crucial role to be played by the United States. We look forward to hearing the views of the US administration on possible proposals for an Israeli-Palestinian settlement, building on the extensive contacts and intense dialogue developed with all parties over the past year

At the same time, we reiterate deep concern for the increased tension over the past couple of weeks and we reaffirm our condemnation of the latest rocket attacks against Israel. An escalation of violence would be negative for all parties and must be prevented. We call on all actors in Palestine and in the Middle East to show responsibility and exercise restraint. The only way forward is through negotiations and the rejection of violence.