Discorso pronunciato dall’Italia alla Sessione Annuale del UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board —
Italy welcomes the good performance reported by the Administrator for 2018. The steady growth of the program delivery and the sound financial situation show the Management’s effective commitment toward the financial viability of the organization, while dealing at the same time with the historic UNDS reform. We are worried for the level of core resources, little above 10% in 2018, but trust that the recent Funding compact will reach the target and commitment of MS to a more balanced approach to core resources.
Italy, a top contributor to governance, continues to encourage strongly inter-agencies cooperation, horizontal financial and operative integration, increased joint planning and financing, in line with the QCPR recommendations and the report of the JIU, as they represent the tangible signals of willingness of UN Institutions in cooperating for the implementation of the SDGs.
In this regard, we welcome the progress made in implementing the common chapter of the strategic plan 2018-2012 of UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and UN Women and the establishing of the inter-agency group responsible for managing the joint evaluation of the common chapter.
We welcome the report on implementation of UNDP gender equality strategy in 2018: while we are pleased to see the focus on the study on ‘Invisible women: gendered dimension of return, reintegration and rehabilitation from violent extremism’ we insist on the importance of addressing SEA and SH.
We highly value the comprehensive Annual report on evaluation 2018 by the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) and commend the overall good results and findings on the multidimensional and complex activities of the organization.
Italy remains strongly committed to the implementation of Agenda 2030: last week we hosted in Rome a Conference on SDG16, in preparation of HLPF, in which we worked with UNDP on the 16X16 Youth initiative: we believe Youth to be a central actor of sustainable development.
In closing, we thank the Administrator and the management for their work and encourage them to continue UNDP’s positioning towards a modern, result-oriented #next generation UNDP, overcoming the challenges brilliantly addressed in this year of transition, thus accelerating the inclusion of the Agenda in its daily work and improving integration.
Thank you.