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UN Global Compact Leaders Summit (15-16 giugno 2021)

Intervento della Vice Ministra degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Marina Sereni, al UN Global Compact Leaders Summit —

Distinguished guests, dear participants,

I am very pleased to participate in this year’s edition of the UN Global Compact Summit. I would like to express my warmest thanks for this opportunity, which testifies Italy’s constant commitment to the UNGC.

We appreciated since the very beginning the idea to strengthen Corporations’s consciousness towards sustainable development, particularly since the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution on the 2030 Agenda. Our Government and our Companies are both supporting enthusiastically the UN Global Compact.

Among the various initiatives carried out over the years by the Italian UNGC Network, the selection of a national SDG Pioneer certainly has a special significance, as a way to give the right visibility to the work and leadership of businesswomen and men that are helping to reach one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals

At the end of last year a successful Italian businesswoman was chosen by our national network. Ms. Giulia Giuffré was awarded the title of “SDG Pioneer” for Italy and I am extremely proud to see that Ms. Giuffré was also awarded the title at the global level by the UN Global Compact.

I wish to express the deepest appreciation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the work and leadership of Giulia and all the candidates and the winners of the competition. I wish you all the best for your future!

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development is a comprehensive, global and strategic document aimed at leading the World to a better future for all. The Italian G20 Presidency fully shares the principles of the agenda: indeed, “People, Planet and Prosperity” are the three pillars that guided our Presidency.

Unfortunately, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda suffered a slowdown due to the pandemic. The crisis we experienced demonstrated that the global development pattern followed so far is unsustainable. That is why it is now time to “Build back better”. Following the principles enshrined in the UN 2030 Agenda will be crucial to achieve the best outcomes in post-pandemic recovery.

We need new development patterns, more focused on socio-economic inclusion, centered on “collaboration” rather than “competition” for a better future for all.

The Italian National Sustainable Development Strategy supports and pursues the 2030 Agenda. We constantly support the principle “leaving no one behind” and in this framework, we establish partnerships with Countries most in need, particularly in Africa, to provide technical assistance, know-how, food emergency contribution, strengthening of agriculture, infrastructure, and solutions for people with disabilities.

The Italian Cooperation also supports partner Countries in achieving the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda. With a view to a sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, climate, environment and clean energy remain priorities in promoting sustainable development, economic stability, good governance and protection of rights, peace and security.

The United Nations Global Compact on corporate responsibility is leading the way for an effective contribution of Corporations and of the business world to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

We are very pleased to participate with almost 400 Italian companies to this great effort. If we aim at building a more inclusive and sustainable society, the full involvement of the private sector is – and will be – of paramount importance. The Italian private sector, from listed companies to SMEs, has shown an incredible amount of commitment in developing sustainable practices. This was possible also thanks to the commitment of the Global Compact Italian Network and of civil society organizations.

With their effective help, Governments will be able to contribute to a timely achievement of the 2030 Agenda. Italy is fully aware of the importance of corporations for any effective success in dealing with the recovery from the present crises.

To conclude, let me seize this opportunity to express my best wishes of full success to the UN Global Compact and to congratulate again with the SDG Pioneers.

Thank you for your attention.






Onu: Sereni, da imprese ruolo fondamentale per sviluppo sostenibile

“L’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile ci impone di guidare il mondo verso un futuro migliore e non a caso dunque la Presidenza italiana del G20 ha adottato i suoi principi – Persone, Pianeta e Prosperità – come pilastri della propria azione”. Lo ha dichiarato in un videointervento al UN Global Compact Leaders Summit la Vice Ministra degli Esteri Marina Sereni, che ha aggiunto: “Purtroppo l’attuazione dell’Agenda ha subito un rallentamento a causa della pandemia, anche se proprio a causa di questa crisi abbiamo tutti capito che il modello di sviluppo globale finora seguito è insostenibile”.

“Ora – ha spiegato Sereni – è il momento per gettare le basi per un mondo diverso e migliore, in cui si adottino nuovi modelli di sviluppo incentrati sull’inclusione socio-economica e sulla collaborazione reciproca. La Strategia Nazionale italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile sostiene con forza l’Agenda 2030, sulla base dell’idea che ‘nessuno deve restare indietro’, in un quadro di partnership con i Paesi più poveri, in particolare quelli dell’Africa, per fornire know-how, aiuti alimentari, sostegno all’agricoltura, infrastrutture e soluzioni per persone con disabilità. La Cooperazione Italiana – ha proseguito la Vice Ministra – supporta inoltre questi Paesi anche nel raggiungimento della dimensione ambientale dell’Agenda 2030”.

“Da parte sua, il Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite sulla responsabilità d’impresa sta aprendo la strada per un effettivo contributo delle aziende e del mondo imprenditoriale al raggiungimento dell’Agenda. Come Italia, – ha detto ancora Sereni – partecipiamo con quasi 400 aziende italiane a questo grande sforzo. Per una società più inclusiva e sostenibile, il coinvolgimento del settore privato è e sarà di fondamentale importanza”.

La Vice Ministra ha poi espresso “grande gioia e apprezzamento” per l’imprenditrice italiana Giulia Giuffrè, insignita dal Global Compact dell’ONU con il titolo mondiale di Pioniere degli obiettivi di sviluppo dell’Agenda 2030, gli SDG. L’azienda siciliana Irritec di Giulia Giuffrè è leader a livello internazionale nei sistemi d’irrigazione sostenibile.


Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale – Onu: Sereni, da imprese ruolo fondamentale per sviluppo sostenibilee

