Messaggio dell’Amb. Maurizio Massari, Rappresentante Permanente dell’Italia presso le Nazioni Unite, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite —
On 24 October, we are proud to celebrate the UN DAY.
We believe that the UN is important today more than ever.
I would mention two main reasons:
First, the pandemic has indicated once more that global challenges can be addressed only through global cooperation. UN is the common house of multilateralism, it is the only institution where 193 Countries of the planet are represented, can discuss and develop joint actions on a daily basis;
Second, we leave in a multipolar world that needs to be governed not by the law of power but the power of law. UN only can contribute to create common standards, principles and rules that apply to everyone. Only through common rules can multipolarity be governed and cooperation prevail over confrontation.
UN might not be perfect, but remains crucial to promote peace, sustainable development and Human Rights.
UN humanitarian activities are indispensable: in 2020, UN provided assistance to more than 98 million people in 25 Countries, despite the lockdown and the logistic challenges connected. But a lot more needs to be done in order to reduce poverty and address social and economic inequalities.
UN based multilateralism is in the DNA and in the interest of the European Union and of Italy. The EU together with its Member States, is the largest financial donor to the UN System. A united Europe is essential to an effective multilateralism.
To this end, EU-UN closer relations are key. Out priorities are the same: from climate change, to women empowerment.
Happy 76th birthday to the UN!