In advance of World Press Freedom Day next month, we express our solidarity and admiration for the journalists and media workers around the world who often risk their lives to inform us all.
We are deeply concerned over Russia’s announcement that it has detained a Wall Street Journal reporter. We protest Russian efforts to limit and intimidate the media.
Free, independent, and pluralistic media play an indispensable role in informing people around the world.
The right to freedom of expression, as set forth in article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information. The freedom of access to information and the work of journalists and media is fundamental to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
We note the widespread outcry from both Russian and international journalists in response to this recent arrest, including an open letter signed by dozens of prominent independent media figures from Russia that calls the case against him “preposterous and unjust.”
We will continue to advocate for press freedom and the safety of journalists worldwide. We urge Russian Federation authorities to release those they are holding on political grounds, and to end the draconian crackdown on freedom of expression, including against members of the media.