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Mr. Chair,

the humanitarian community is facing an unprecedented rise in needs worldwide. The events in Gaza and the Middle East, Syria of course, Ukraine and Sudan, to name a few, represent the evident examples of the emergencies closing in on us. Fragile populations continue to bear the heaviest burden of man-made and natural disasters.

Donor countries are called to reflect on the critical importance of humanitarian financing. We are urged to mobilize resources to help reduce the funding gap. This is no small task, especially in a period marked by economic strain and reduced resources. Part of the answer lies in leveraging available resources, diversifying the donor base and enhance the effectiveness of our responses.

Italy strongly believes that the CERF stands as a cornerstone of the international humanitarian architecture. When it comes to swift and effective responses to crises, CERF has consistently delivered life-saving assistance to millions worldwide. It has done so by allocating resources to frontline humanitarian partners, to whom Italy extends its deepest gratitude.

The Fund also plays an indispensable role in addressing climate-related emergencies. CERF’s proactive and impactful response during the El Niño phenomenon this year has set a commendable standard for climate-related humanitarian action.

Italy has steadily supported CERF over the years. Since 2021, our contributions have surpassed €10 million each year. I am pleased to announce that this year, Italy has allocated another €10 million to CERF. Looking ahead, while our specific contribution for the upcoming year is still under consideration, Italy will remain resolute in its support. We are also proud to participate to the Fund’s Advisory Group and contribute to its strategic guidance.

I thank you.