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Immagine headerTag: <span>Diritti Umani</span>
9 Luglio 2024
Comunicato Congiunto dei membri della rete International Gender Champions (IGC) – board globale, sul tema del Global Digital Compact

Statement by members of the International Gender Champions (IGC) Global Board on the Global Digital Compact The internet, digital platforms, information and communications technology (ICT) and artificial intelligence (AI) offer unprecedented pathways to increase women’s participation across all spheres of life, enhance gender disaggregated data collection, advance gender-responsive standards, develop gender responsive public procurement policies […]

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14 Luglio 2023
UN Security Council Open debate on Conflict Related Sexual Violence “Promoting implementation of Security Council Resolutions on CRSV” 14 July 2023. Italy’s Statement delivered by Ambassador Maurizio Massari.

I would like to thank the United Kingdom for organizing this annual Open Debate, as well as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, and the distinguished representatives of the civil society for their briefings. Italy aligns itself with the statements of the European Union, of the Groups […]

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24 Giugno 2023
Closing remarks by Amb. Maurizio Massari at the Closing Session of the 2023 ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment: Overview of the humanitarian landscape and the way ahead.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear colleagues,   We have come to the close of this year’s Humanitarian Affairs Segment, under the theme of, “Strengthening humanitarian assistance in times of unprecedented global humanitarian needs: driving transformation and solutions to address the urgent challenges of rising food insecurity and famine risk, protection risks and climate change.”   […]

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23 Giugno 2023

New York, 23 giugno 2023. Si e’ conclusa oggi a Ginevra la tre giorni di riunioni di alto livello del Segmento Umanitario ECOSOC, fra i principali momenti del dibattito ONU sull’assistenza umanitaria. I lavori presieduti dall’ Rappresentante Permanente Amb. Maurizio Massari si sono chiusi con l’adozione di un’importante Risoluzione che ha visto l’Italia quale capofila […]

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20 Giugno 2023
Statement of Italy delivered by DPR Ambassador Gianluca Greco at the UN Women Executive Board – Item 6: Update on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the United Nations Development System

Mister President, Excellencies, I deliver this statement on behalf of the following cross-regional group of member states: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Montenegro, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic […]

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